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All You Need Is Ears

Oral Archive Consultancy

Because we have many years' experience in the archiving field, we are able to offer a very comprehensive service to anyone who wants to start an oral archive. Usually this is because there is a specific project in mind, but it applies equally to those who wish to just "start recording life before it's too late". The same principles apply whether you want to, say, record memories of workers before and after the closing of a factory to provide an oral record, or whether you wish to interview your parents and grandparents to make a family archive for future generations.

We can advise on all aspects of starting out, and help deciding who to interview and where. And we can help decide on and source suitable equipment. Where appropriate, we can discuss putting suitable systems in place to catalogue and access your archive.

Then, if required, we can run training sessions on microphone technique and use of recorders.  We have extensive background here, Stephen used to run similar sessions for BBC staff at their training facility at Wood Norton.

And then we can help to ensure that suitable backup and storage facilities are used to safeguard your recordings now and to ensure that your collection is future-proof. We can also provide training in the use of audio editing facilities, including advice on the choice of suitable computer editing systems.

Finally, our help doesn't end there.  We are always available for queries that arise from "in the field" recording right through to final archive.



Telephone: +44 (0)117 924 8815

Fax: +44 (0)117 924 5505

e-mail: info@allyouneedisears.co.uk